The Chronicles of Mommyhood

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Sound a Fire Truck Makes

While Dash and I were eating lunch together today, he was telling me details about a fire truck he had seen.

"See Firefighter Truck!"

"What did it look like?" I asked.

"A Red One."

Thinking some more...

"A Big One."

"What noise does a fire truck make?" I asked.

"WheeeeOhhhhh, WheeeeOhhhh, Hail Mary," Dash replied (with gusto).

"What noise does a fire truck make?" I asked again, not confident I had heard him correctly.

"WheeeeOhhhhh, WheeeeOhhhh, Hail Mary."

Then it clicked. We try to say a Hail Mary when we hear sirens. So, as always, Dash is correct. A Fire Engine driving by our car does indeed make the noise, "WheeeOhhh, WeeeOhhhh, Hail Mary."


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